Last April, we wrote an article entitled “Why the Fed May Be Forced to Raise rates, Not Lower Them”. At first glance, our conclusion might appear off the mark. After all, the...
Will 2024 be 1968 Déjà Vu All Over Again?
An examination of the prevailing state of the secular trend for inflation- adjusted stock prices reveal some interesting similarities between 1968 and 2024, and these parallels...
The Bull Market Has Just Been Refreshed: Where Does it Go from Here?
My colleagues at Pring Turner Capital recently sent out a note to clients entitled The Pause that Refreshes by way of putting the post July correction in perspective with the...
A Soft-Landing Scenario Gains More Adherents but How Long Will it be Viable?
In February this year we wrote an article entitled A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Recession. It observed that the consensus of commentators was calling for a recession...
Transitioning from Secular Bull to Bear? We Present, You Decide!
Secular trends in inflation adjusted equities average between 15 and 20 years. Since such price movements embrace a number of business cycles, identification of a reversal...
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Recession
Last year presented us with the largest consensus of economists forecasting an imminent recession that we ever recall. Contrary opinion theory says that when people start to...
Are You Prepared for A Possible Lost Decade Ahead?
Growing Evidence the Secular Trend in Stock Prices May be Reversing While it is true in the very long run stocks go up, it is also true that secular bear markets are a fact of...
The Bursting of the Tech and Bitcoin Bubbles—Part II
In March of last year, I wrote an article entitled “Timing the End of the Tech and Bitcoin Bubbles”. The conclusion for Bitcoin was that it was indeed in a bubble but that there...
Burglar or Bank Robber? Time to Watch Your Wallet and Stock Portfolio!
In October 2021, we made the case for a new secular commodity bull market and concluded that this environment would likely spill back into the economy and stock market. That...
Impending Super Cycle Commodity Signal Argues Against Transitory Inflation
Aging demographics, technological innovation and an ever -expanding debt overhang are three reasons why inflation has been largely kept under wraps in the last three decades....
Five Charts that Make the Case for a Bull Market in Commodities
A year ago, as the economy was emerging from its third slowdown following the financial crisis, commodity prices looked set to move higher. However, due to the pandemic lockdown,...
Five Reasons for Being Bullish Despite a 60% Advance
The S&P Composite has rallied close to 60% since late March, making a historic and remarkable round trip in a short period of time. You would think that after such a move it...