Jan 6, 2020 | Martin Pring's Technical Corner
A large part of the Pring Turner investment approach is derived from the fact that the business cycle is nothing more or less than a repetitive chronological sequence of events. The cycle begins with a bottoming in the interest sensitive housing industry and ending...
Oct 17, 2019 | Martin Pring's Technical Corner
Even though we have already experienced the longest expansion on record, the latest data suggest the possibility of a resurging level of business activity as the economy emerges from its third post 2009 slowdown. As a follow-up to our July article, Recovery or...
Oct 2, 2019 | Martin Pring's Technical Corner
The Pring Turner Leading Economic Indicator (LEI) comprises a weighted ROC for three key economic sectors and a financial one. These are construction, consumer spending, employment and the stock market. It has led every recession since its inception in the 1950’s. To...
Sep 5, 2019 | Martin Pring's Technical Corner
If you have ever gone to the beach or played in a pool and pushed a beach ball under water, you can appreciate how we associate current stock market conditions with that beach ball. When the ball is pushed under water, pressure begins to build. The farther under water...